Whether you have been using a sewing machine for years or maybe you have never picked up a sewing needle before in your life, the art of sewing has been proven to have many health benefits and today I am going to explain why sewing might just be a good hobby for you!
Art as a form of therapy is not a new idea or concept. For many years, people suffering from mental illness have used various forms of creativity as a way of healing: poets and writers have used their pens to create heartfelt words on paper while artists have used the stroke of their brushes to express all their sorrows buried deep within.
Many professionals also acknowledge art as therapy and prescribe it to their patients. Drawing, knitting, embroidery, and sewing can all help you to communicate difficult feelings that you may be struggling with and encourage you to look at them in a new light.
The 7 Health Benefits of Sewing

Relieves Stress – Sewing promotes mindfulness, reduces stress, and relieves anxiety. It encourages feelings of relaxation and positivity. When you sew, you are fully focused on the task at hand, and you are distracted from any difficulties or negative thoughts you may be experiencing which allows you to fully destress and unwind.
Promotes a healthy brain – Sewing promotes mental health and improves your brain’s ability to produce new brain cells because it requires you to be creative.
Fights dementia – Sewing works the brain and requires you to remember specific steps. This not only keeps the mind clear, active, and focused, but also may help to fight dementia.
Promotes happiness – Just like other creative activities, sewing can help you to feel happier and more positive by increasing dopamine in the brain.
Increases motor skills – Sewing requires attention to detail and hand-eye-coordination. This enhances your motor skills and can also relieve physical issues like back pain.
Increases self-esteem – When you create something with your own hands, you feel a sense of accomplishment that can increase your self-esteem and boost your mental health.
Helps to process your feelings – Sewing can help you to process your feelings. You can work at your own pace, let your mind slip away, and allow your subconscious to take over. This allows any trauma to come to the surface in a safe and calm way allowing you to deal with any underlying emotions.
There are many health benefits to sewing and most people find it extremely therapeutic. It is a great way to unwind, boost your mood, or simply be creative after a long and stressful day.
Need help getting started? Check out this youtube video:
Author Bio
Isabella Boston
Isabella Boston is a multi-talented writer and the founder of Bella’s Attic Studio. She has several years of experience in content writing, copywriting, and social media strategies. She is a diarist, ghostwriter, and the author of Passion of Flames. Isabella has special interests in fashion and beauty, health and wellness, and natural healing as it pertains the body, mind, and soul. When she is not writing, Isabella enjoys playing the violin, learning new languages, and reading books of substance.

[1] Jacobs, C. (2021, February 22). The wonderful health benefits of sewing. Sew n Sew. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from https://www.sewnsew.net.au/the-wonderful-health-benefits-of-sewing/
[2] 5 health benefits of sewing and why you should try it. MiNDFOOD. (2020, August 26). Retrieved April 4, 2023, from https://www.mindfood.com/article/5-health-benefits-of-sewing/
[3] Can sewing really be a form of therapy? Good Fabric. (2023, March 30). Retrieved April 4, 2023, from https://goodfabric.co.uk/blog/can-sewing-really-be-a-form-of-therapy/